Uniforms/Dress Please refer to the parent/student handbook for complete dress codes. Uniform tops are sold by Beebe Embroidery Source. ICA works directly with the owner, and have a great professional relationship. Please refer to the parent/student handbook for the guidelines for the rest of the uniform, including bottoms, shoes, and accessories. All shirts must be purchased through Beebe Embroidery Source. Orders will not be split at Open House. Customer must pick up their complete order. Attached, please find two types of order forms including size charts. There is a chart for adult sizes and one for youth sizes. It is suggested, if you are unsure of the size needed, order larger rather than smaller. Remember, orders may be placed year round. If unsure of sizes, order less rather than more. ***Orders need to be placed by July 11th, Thursday, in order to have them ready by Open House.*** Orders and payments may be submitted to the school office Monday thru Thursday, from 9am to 1pm during summer, and 8am-3pm during the school year. Questions? e-mail our office at icasecretary2000@gmail.com or beebeembroiderysource@yahoo.com. |